Sunday 14 February 2010

Many people have asked the question is smoking really bad? We all know that smoking is bad in terms of health, as 50% of smokers die each year from a smoking related illness. I know that smoking is bad for my health. I’ve had enough lectures in my time! And this is just another web link showing how bad smoking damages your health.

Many people think that it's a disgusting habit yet, it doesn't stop young people wanting to experiment the effects of cigarette smoking. Maybe this is through curiosity or the thought of doing something dangerous which adults do not approve?

I started smoking when I was 13 years old. Mainly because I thought I was being bad. I was never really popular in the first few years of school so when I stated smoking I gained a lot of extra attention from the more popular kids in schools. I loved the attention and the fact that I was now part of the 'bad gang'. My mom disapproved. Being a none smoker.

In our second lecture of being bad the question is smoking attractive? had been raised.' With many Celebrity role models smoking in the public eye it was quite easy to see that smoking was attractive. People smoking on adverts were also quite popular. This is shown in this web link. In this web link a study showed that "More regular smokers than non-smokers held the view that the cigarette advertisements used in this study were exciting, interesting, eye-catching, glamorous and witty".

The results from the study show evidence to support the suggestion that cigarette advertisements may maintain smoking in adolescents by reinforcing a favourable attitude towards smoking. Now with the government cracking down on smoking it is now illegal to smoke in public places e.g. pubs and work places, You won’t find pro smoking on adverts any more yet the government still spend billions of pounds still trying to promote cigarettes..

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