Sunday 21 February 2010

Telling lies.

I was brought up knowing that telling lies was wrong. But is telling the occasionally white lie really bad? A lot of people believe that there are ‘bad lies’ and ‘white’ lies. When I was growing up my mom and dad always said to me that if I wanted to be a good liar than I would have to have a good memory to remember all the lies. Unfortunately I didn’t have a good memory so telling lies wasn’t my strong point.

This first web link (shown below) shows all the different reasons why people may lie. Many people think that lying is wrong, except if there’s a good reason for telling a lie. But what really would define a ‘good reason’ and if there was a good reason why would lying still be wrong?

The second web link defines lies as “giving some information while believing it to be untrue, intending to deceive by doing so.

I personally believe that telling lies isn’t the worst act of ‘being bad’. There are a lot of other things that are a lot worse than lying. If my sister asked me ‘Does this outfit look nice’? I might tell a lie to spare her feelings from the truth. Of course I wouldn’t let her go out the house looking stupid but I may offer subtle suggestions to make the outfit look better.

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