Wednesday 21 April 2010


Bullying among young people is a significant problem and it is gradually increasing. Many experts fear bullying has become so widespread and common, adults are blinded to its extensive harm.

Bullies usually target young people who are different from them in some way or don’t ‘fit in’. This could be how they look, being shy or withdrawn. Bullying can take place over just about anything really…. Their race, religion, sexuality… the list is endless!!

Cyber bullying is the latest type of bullying and has not been studied as much as traditional forms of bullying. Large numbers of young people are now being bullied via social networking sites e.g. facebook, Bebo etc and by text messaging.

I mean if I had just received a text message from a unknown number or in fact a known number saying that tomorrow at school I was going get the crap beaten out of me I most likely wouldn’t go.

So many times young people and children don’t even tell the teachers that they are getting bullied, maybe in fear that the bullying would get worse.Howeverso many times I hear children say that they told the teacher that they were getting bullied, and nothing changed.

As a society I don’t think that we are doing enough to target bullies and prevent bullying from taking place.

I admit that we will never get rid of bullying completely, but in schools it should be a priority!!

Some facts about bullying (shockin)

1 comment:

  1. i also believe that bullying is a serious issue and it is not dealt with in the correct manner half the time. i know people who have been bullied and telling the teacher didn't help at all. the government needs to really get something going that actually works or at least has a significant effect on bullying.
