Wednesday 5 May 2010

Frank Sinatra, My Way, With Lyrics

We played this at the end of Primary school and Secondary school so I thought id tourture U lot with it now haa!!

End of Blog :(

Im quite dissapointed, the end has come :( I was quite suprised actually,I really enjoyd this lecture. I thought I knew about most of the topics we covered,but it turns out I really didn't know alot. I reckon by far the best module...

So here we are the end of our first year at uni!! im suprised I made it, there were times I thought I wasnt going to, but nooo I pulled my finger out and all my essays are done and dusted, good times ay!


Peace N Love

Tuesday 27 April 2010

Old People All Have STDs

Older generation now at risk from STD’s

Ok I thought id make a post out of this because it is rather interesting don’t you think?

A recent increase in Sexually Transmitted Disease/Infection (STD/I) in senior citizens is thought to be because of an increase in the number of older people now using online dating websites.

Many of the older generation are now using dating websites than ever before. Why we ask its simple… to find love. The older generation are now entering relationships unaware of the consequences. Some of the blame is issued at the development of drugs to combat sexual dysfunction and a lack of education among the older generation.

It turns out that Back in the day when the older generation grew up STDS weren’t really an issue, and the worst that could happen was becoming pregnant. However because of their age pregnancy isn’t really a big deal as they are highly unlikely to get pregnant at their age, so therefore using protection isn’t a priority.

Increased use of online dating websites also means that rather than just sticking to one partner they are meeting more thus as in young people, causing an increase in STD’s with multiple partners.

Ok so now we now it’s not only the younger generation catching STD’s it’s the older generation. (I say this because us young people are always being lectured on STD’s when in fact the older generation should be lectured as well)

Thursday 22 April 2010

Premarital Sex

Purity seems archaic; abstinence impossible. Why wait when everyone else is getting the goods now?

So many people think that sex before marriage is stupid! But to a lot of people especially religious believe that sex before marriage is sexually immoral. That God designed sex as an expression of love between husband and wife.

Here are some quotes taken from the Christian and Hebrew bible.
1 Corinthians 7:2-3 – “But since there is so much immorality, each man should have his own wife, and each woman her own husband. The husband should fulfill his marital duty to his wife, and likewise the wife to her husband.” (NIV)
Hebrews 13:4 – “Marriage should be honored by all, and the marriage bed kept pure, for God will judge the adulterer and all the sexually immoral.”
1 Thessalonians 4:3-4 – “It is God's will that you should be sanctified: that you should avoid sexual immorality; that each of you should learn to control his own body in a way that is holy

I think that in this day and age especially for youth there is a lot of pressure to have sex, even underage. At school we tend to think that everyone is doing it, when in fact their not. Or on that Friday night we get absolutely wasted and end up having sex!! No excuse but still it happens. Plus premarital sex is everywhere Magazines, news, music and movies its almost like they won’t youth to have sex before marriage.

I don’t think people should be judged for having sex before marriage. A lot of people don’t even won’t to get married, and what happens to girls who get raped? Does that count as premarital sex? Because if it does I think that IS wrong!!

Wednesday 21 April 2010

Sex Before Marriage

Childnet International - Cyber Bullying


Bullying among young people is a significant problem and it is gradually increasing. Many experts fear bullying has become so widespread and common, adults are blinded to its extensive harm.

Bullies usually target young people who are different from them in some way or don’t ‘fit in’. This could be how they look, being shy or withdrawn. Bullying can take place over just about anything really…. Their race, religion, sexuality… the list is endless!!

Cyber bullying is the latest type of bullying and has not been studied as much as traditional forms of bullying. Large numbers of young people are now being bullied via social networking sites e.g. facebook, Bebo etc and by text messaging.

I mean if I had just received a text message from a unknown number or in fact a known number saying that tomorrow at school I was going get the crap beaten out of me I most likely wouldn’t go.

So many times young people and children don’t even tell the teachers that they are getting bullied, maybe in fear that the bullying would get worse.Howeverso many times I hear children say that they told the teacher that they were getting bullied, and nothing changed.

As a society I don’t think that we are doing enough to target bullies and prevent bullying from taking place.

I admit that we will never get rid of bullying completely, but in schools it should be a priority!!

Some facts about bullying (shockin)

Sunday 11 April 2010


I was actually shocked at the average age at entering prostitution was 13- 14years old. Young girls would be recruited or coerced into prostitution. Others were "traditional wives" without job skills who escaped from or were abandoned by abusive husbands and went into prostitution to support themselves and their children.
I also found it interesting that a 1991 report stated that: 85% of prostitute/clients reported history of sexual abuse in childhood; 70% reported incest.
I disagree with prostitution but on the other hand can understand why both men and women are forced to go into prostitution. Here are some facts that I have come across

• About 80% of women in prostitution have been the victim of a rape.
• 73% reported having experienced physical assault in prostitution.
• 72% were currently or formerly homeless.
• 92% stated that they wanted to escape prostitution immediately.
When reading about prostitution I also came across 15 reasons why prostitution was beneficial. It seems that men like prostitutes mainly to satisfy their needs but I don’t think they understand the emotional and physical distress that many women have to go through in order to make a living!!

I think that you’ll find these web links quite interesting!

Friday 9 April 2010

Can a relationship ever survive infidelity?

Okay… Infidelity to me this is an act of ‘being bad’ only because there is no excuse for cheating on your partner as you don’t have to be in that relationship if you don’t want to.

Infidelity is one of the most wrenching experiences a couple can endure. It can destroy families, crush spirits, and break quite a few plates. It causes pain not just to the betrayed, but usually to the cheater as well.

So let’s start with why people cheat. Number 1) Problems in the relationship; something is missing, passion has faded, and partners feel lonely. 2) Novelty, the spouse wants something new and exciting. 3) An excuse to leave a difficult relationship.

I’m not going to go on listing all these because the lists endless. A lot of people say once a cheater always a cheater however; I don’t think that’s true. I believe that a person can truly change if their in the right relationship. If you’re truly in love with someone then why on earth would you cheat on that person? Although saying that all these celebrities cheating on their partners e.g. Tiger Woods, Ashley Cole, Huge Grant are all adulterers. I think all their money and fame has driven them mad over the years. So can a relationship survive? I think so…. People make mistakes we all do. I think some people are truly disgusted when they’ve just realised what they did. However when a person cheats twice then I don’t think a relationship could ever live happily ever after.

Wednesday 7 April 2010

Do people who steal really need what their stealing or are they being greedy? I can understand people shoplifting in order to feed their family. I mean if a lady stole a loaf of bread in order for her children to have something to eat are we really going to persecute her for trying to support her family, or give her a criminal record? Well to me it seems wrong although she’s stealing, it’s for a good cause.

Okay ill admit it I’ve never shoplifted but I got my brother to steal for me. He stole a chocolate bar the once… only because I was starving and had no money. I didn’t want him to steal it, I was scared he was going to get caught but I was to chicken to do it my self being about 10 years old. He didn’t want to see me Hungary plus I wouldn’t stop crying so he stole me a freddo (This was the first time that he ever stole anything and never has since) so are making out shoplifting to be worse than it actually is?

Lots of teenagers and adults shoplift I think we’ve all stole something in our lives even if its just pick a mix from Woolworths. I don’t see the harm in that however, when everybody starts stealing bigger things and more expensive items then that’s when the problem starts.

When I was researching this topic I came across “To most shoplifters, getting something for nothing is like giving themselves a "gift", which in turn gives them a "lift". I think that this is true. If we get something that we want for free aren’t we going to feel good about it? And if we feel good about it aren’t we going to steal something else to get the same feeling? Seriously I can see why people steal because if I knew I could get away with not paying for really nice clothes then I wouldn’t.

However I agree that shoplifting in general is wrong. People who steal and have the money to pay for it what’s with that? I wasn’t entirely shocked when I read that 23 million people steal from retail shops each year. Police and magistrates see thousands of detained shoplifters who don't fit the profile of a typical criminal. They don’t take drugs, have a clean CRB (maybe apart from shoplifting)….some just like stealing for fun simple as.

This is a good link for more in-depth reasons why people shoplift.
This is a good link to see how others feel about shoplifting..

Wednesday 31 March 2010


I agree that drugs are an act of ‘being bad’ but in theory most of us have tried drugs. Us smokers (yes I smoke) and us drinkers (yes I also drink) are guilty of taking drugs. Alcohol and Nicotine are still drugs!!.
Many young people have the misperception that "everyone is taking drugs." However, this is not true. In 2007 a study showed that, the vast majority of young people in year 10 claim they had not used marijuana in the past month, and more than half of all students (53.2%) had never tried any illegal drug.
Most young people experiment with drugs at an early age because there friends are taking them. However in the long run it’s likely that drugs will become more important to them than your friendship. Many teenagers become addicted to drugs and become dependant on getting the ‘High’ feeling that drugs provide.
Evidence of drug use within youth’s suggests that the experience of drugs is often pleasurable rather than negative and damaging. Therefore, youth know that dugs are unhealthy but taking the risk is a far more exciting experience. Although we say that drugs are bad and immoral it doesn’t stop young people from experimenting. With drugs being sold at such a low price it’s just to easy to give into temptation.
Taking drugs because of peer pressure is just one of many reasons why people take drugs. For instance a person may think that drugs will fix all their problems often drug takers find that there problems are still there and frequently make their problems and situations worse.
Here’s a few web links that I think you may find useful.

Sunday 21 February 2010

Telling lies.

I was brought up knowing that telling lies was wrong. But is telling the occasionally white lie really bad? A lot of people believe that there are ‘bad lies’ and ‘white’ lies. When I was growing up my mom and dad always said to me that if I wanted to be a good liar than I would have to have a good memory to remember all the lies. Unfortunately I didn’t have a good memory so telling lies wasn’t my strong point.

This first web link (shown below) shows all the different reasons why people may lie. Many people think that lying is wrong, except if there’s a good reason for telling a lie. But what really would define a ‘good reason’ and if there was a good reason why would lying still be wrong?

The second web link defines lies as “giving some information while believing it to be untrue, intending to deceive by doing so.

I personally believe that telling lies isn’t the worst act of ‘being bad’. There are a lot of other things that are a lot worse than lying. If my sister asked me ‘Does this outfit look nice’? I might tell a lie to spare her feelings from the truth. Of course I wouldn’t let her go out the house looking stupid but I may offer subtle suggestions to make the outfit look better.

Sunday 14 February 2010

Many people have asked the question is smoking really bad? We all know that smoking is bad in terms of health, as 50% of smokers die each year from a smoking related illness. I know that smoking is bad for my health. I’ve had enough lectures in my time! And this is just another web link showing how bad smoking damages your health.

Many people think that it's a disgusting habit yet, it doesn't stop young people wanting to experiment the effects of cigarette smoking. Maybe this is through curiosity or the thought of doing something dangerous which adults do not approve?

I started smoking when I was 13 years old. Mainly because I thought I was being bad. I was never really popular in the first few years of school so when I stated smoking I gained a lot of extra attention from the more popular kids in schools. I loved the attention and the fact that I was now part of the 'bad gang'. My mom disapproved. Being a none smoker.

In our second lecture of being bad the question is smoking attractive? had been raised.' With many Celebrity role models smoking in the public eye it was quite easy to see that smoking was attractive. People smoking on adverts were also quite popular. This is shown in this web link. In this web link a study showed that "More regular smokers than non-smokers held the view that the cigarette advertisements used in this study were exciting, interesting, eye-catching, glamorous and witty".

The results from the study show evidence to support the suggestion that cigarette advertisements may maintain smoking in adolescents by reinforcing a favourable attitude towards smoking. Now with the government cracking down on smoking it is now illegal to smoke in public places e.g. pubs and work places, You won’t find pro smoking on adverts any more yet the government still spend billions of pounds still trying to promote cigarettes..

Thursday 11 February 2010

Field Trip.

Okay.. For the field trip I’m thinking maybe a visit to a Prison? I think it would be a really good idea if we got the chance to talk to the inmates and see what prison is like for them. A lot of the times you get to speak to people although, they may have murdered they could be a completely different person when you talk to them. I also think it would be a good idea as in some prisons students get to be locked in a jail cell. I know it sounds weird but I just think it would be a really good experience especially for some of our ‘Rebel’ students. :)